Math 241,
Fall 2019, Final exam 9am-11am at Towne Building 100
- Instructor: Chenglong Yu
- E-mail:
yucl18 {at}
- Office:
- Office hours: 3:30pm-4:30pm everyday before the final or by appointments
- TA: Jackson (McFeeley) Goodman, DRL 3N2D,
mcfeelyg {at}
- TA's office hours: Tue and Wed 7-8pm
Syllabus and Core Problems
Old final exams
- Lectures:TR 10:30am-12, DRL A6.
- Labs: W 8-9AM DRL 3N6, W 9-10AM DRL 3N6, F 8-9AM DRL 4C6, F 9-10AM DRL 4C6
- Textbook:"Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems" by Richard Haberman, 5th edition.
(Let me know if you have trouble getting the textbook)
- Homework: Homework is very important for this class. Homework will be posted on this website once a week, and due the following Thursday in class.
You are encouraged to work in groups on your homework, or discuss with the TA and me. But you should write up and hand in your homework individually.
- Exams: There are two midterm exams in class (Sep 26th and Oct 31st). The final exam is Dec 16th 9-11am.
You can use a 5"x7" note card (both sides) during the midterm and final exams. No electronic device is allowed. Using any communication device (including computers, cell phones, calculators, PDA's, etc.) during these exams is a serious breach of academic integrity.
- Grading: The grades are based on 15% Homework + 40% two midterms + 35% final exam+ 10% quizzes and everthing else.