Math 371,
Spring 2020
- Instructor: Chenglong Yu
- E-mail:
yucl18 {at}
- Office:
- Office hours: TR at 2-3pm and by appointment.
- TA: Souparna Purohit, DRL 3C13,
soupur {at}
- TA's office hour: MW, 11-12 noon, at DRL 3C13. .
Course structure:
- Lectures:
TR 3-4:30pm, DRL 3C2.
- Labs: M or W 6:30-8:30pm, DRL 2C2.
- Textbook:
- "Algebra" (second edition), by M. Artin.
- Additional handouts to be posted on course website.
- Homework: Homework is very important for this class. Homework will be posted on this website once a week, and due the following Thursday in class.
You are encouraged to work in groups on your homework, or discuss with the TA and me. But you should write up and hand in your homework individually.
- Exams: There are two midterm exams in class, 02/20 and 03/26. The final exam TBA. Please let me know if you have time conflicts.
- Grading: The grades are based on 5% Lab + 20% Homework + 20% first midterm +20% second midterm + 35% final exam.
Syllabus: This is the second half of a year long course in algebra, with emphasis on topics concerning group representations, fields and Galois theory.
We will cover bilinear forms (chapter 8), group representations (chapter 10), basics on fields and Galois theory (chapter 15, 16).
The goal of the class is to develop intuition from concrete examples and apply the power of abstraction to solve problems.
Homework assignments
- Homework 1, Solutions to Homework 1, sample-solutions-hw-1
- Homework 2, Solutions to Homework 2, sample-solutions-hw-2
- Homework 3, Solutions to Homework 3, sample-solutions-hw-3
- Homework 4,
- Homework 5,Solutions to Homework 5,
- Homework 6,
- Homework 7,
- Homework 8,
- Homework 9,