Fall 2022
Algebra 2 代数2
- Instructor: Chenglong Yu
- E-mail:
yuchenglong {at} tsinghua.edu.cn
- Office:Jinchunyuan West Building 260,
- Office hours:
- TA: Bowen Liu and Longtian Tang ,
TA's email: liubw22 {at} mails.tsinghua.edu.cn and 641053910 {at} qq.com
- TA's office hour:
Course structure:
- Lectures:,
- Labs:
- Textbook:
- "Algebra" (second edition), by M. Artin.
- "抽象代数学", by 姚慕生.
- "Algebra" (third edition), by S. Lang.
- "Fields and Galois Theory", by Milne.
- "Introduction to commutative algebra", by Atiyah & Macdonald.
- "Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry", by Eisenbud.
- Additional handouts to be posted on the course website.
- Homework: Homework is very important for this class. Homework will be posted on this website once a week and due the following Thursday in class.
You are encouraged to work in groups on your homework or discuss it with the TA and me. But you should write up and hand in your homework individually.
- Exams: There are two exams in class.
- Grading: The grades are based on 20% Homework + 30% midterm + 50% final exam.
Syllabus: 1.Fields and Galois theory, 2. Commutative Algebra.
Lecture notes
Notes by Bowen Liu
Homework assignments