Fall 2023
Algebraic Curves 代数曲线
- Instructor: Chenglong Yu 余成龙
- E-mail:
yuchenglong {at} tsinghua.edu.cn
- Office:ShuangQing B523 双清综合楼A座B523, 地址:北京市海淀区逸清南路西延6号院1号,双清公寓马路对面、清华附小(双清校区)西侧。
- Office hours: Wednesday 13:30-15:00 (10/04, 10/11 cancelled)
- TA: Yixuan Fu
- TA's email:
fuyx23 {at} mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
- TA's office hour:
Course structure:
- Lectures:23, 42, 6B109
- Labs:
- Textbook:
- Miranda: Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces
- Kirwan: Complex Algebraic Curves
- Additional handouts to be posted on the course website.
- Homework: Homework is very important for this class. Homework will be posted on this website once a week and due the following Thursday in class.
You are encouraged to work in groups on your homework or discuss it with the TA and me. But you should write up and hand in your homework individually.
- Exams: There are two exams in class.
- Grading: The grades are based on 40% Homework + 20% midterm + 40% final exam.
1. 闭曲面的例子和拓扑分类,
3. 平面曲线,反函数定理,奇异点,
4. 解析函数层与正则函数层,亚纯函数层和有理函数层,
5. 微分1-形式和积分,留数和庞加莱霍普夫定理,
6. 曲线之间的态射,
7. 黎曼胡尔维兹定理。
1. 解析方法:维尔斯特拉斯准备定理,局部奇点的消解。
2. 代数方法:正则化和爆破。
3. 奇点的局部结构,
4. 相交数,Bezout定理,
5. 亏格公式。
1. 除子,线丛,线性等价,
2. 截面和上同调,
3. 塞尔对偶,
4. Riemann-Roch,
5. Riemann-Roch的应用:紧黎曼面和代数曲线的等价,低亏格曲线分类,
6. 椭圆曲线,
7. 超椭圆曲线。
1. 第一类微分形式,
2. 周期积分和周期矩阵,阿贝尔定理,
3. 黎曼双线性关系,
4. Jacobian,阿贝尔簇,
5. 介绍托雷力定理,介绍Siegel上半平面和周期映射,
6. 雅可比逆定理,
7. Theta除子。
Homework 1
Lecture notes
Notes by Bowen
Lecture0921(Definition and examples of Riemann surfaces)