Spring 2025
Linear Algebra 线性代数
- Instructor: Chenglong Yu
- E-mail:
yuchenglong {at} tsinghua.edu.cn
- Office:Tsinghua, Shuangqing 523,
- Office hours: TBA
- TA: 赵梓博,
TA's email:
- TA's office hour:
Course structure:
- Lectures:
- Labs:
- Textbook:
- 高等代数,谢启鸿姚慕生编著/复旦大学出版社
- 线性代数入门,作者: 梁鑫 / 田垠 / 杨一龙 出版社: 清华大学出版社
- "Linear Algebra and Geometry" by Shafarevich and Remizov
- Additional handouts to be posted on course website.
- Homework: Homework is very important for this class. Homework will be posted on this website.
You are encouraged to work in groups on your homework, or discuss with the TA and me. But you should write up and hand in your homework individually.
- Exams:
- Grading:
The goal of the class is to develop intuition from concrete examples and apply the power of abstraction to solve problems.
Homework assignments